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[[strikethrough]] 330 WEST 42ND STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. LOngacre 5-2600 [[/strikethrough]]
1834 BROADWAY, NEW YORK 23 N.Y. Circle 6-1900

1) adresse à Kimball et au musee souhaits mon anglais

I am very gratefull to Mr Kimball to have given me the opportunity to speak to you during his diamond jubilee of the Philadelphia Museum of Art where so many trésors are assembled during the 70 years of his existence  
And it is precisely by studing what museums are containing that an artist [[strikethrough]] as well as un layman [[strikethrough]] can make clear his position of wath [[what]] and of how [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] he will use the talent given him by nature.  Because talent in it self is not only not suffisant [[sufficient]] but sometimes even dangerouse for example Caruso could have 

Transcription Notes:
trésors - treasures