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made me listen [[strikethrough]] very bad [[/strikethrough]] with great deligte very bad musique.

In my youth shools in Paris where [[were]] very poor, especialy the official [[strikethrough]] shools [[/strikethrough]] ones of course thecnicaly  they where  very high but for wath serve a good thecnique if you don't know wath to do with it especialy [[especially]] in our confused times

In the former times it seems to me it was easier to work   The task was clear and the client was conciouse  about wath he wants.  Today very little people know wath they want, and the confusion in Art like in other human activitys is great.  It seems to me that the plastic arts should be the first to be able to bring clarity.  Since the eye our 

Transcription Notes:
Don't include corrected words in [[ ]] if they are comprehensible as is. So many interruptions do not make a smooth read. Anyone reading Lipchitz know he writes wath for what ...