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The second Annual meeting of the Blak [[Black]] Academy of Arts and letters convened in New York City, Saturday, September 18, 1971, at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.

The meeting was opened by the President of the BAAL, Dr. C. Eric Lincoln, who following the welcome to the assembled fellows, requested the secretary to call the roll and read the minutes of the previous annual meetomg/.[[meeting]]

Present were Etta Moten Barnett, Lerone Bennett, Jr., John H. Clarke, Cernest Crichlow, Dohn Davis, Inge Hardison, Vertis Hayes, Elma Lewis, C. Eric Lincoln, Frederick O'Neeal; Dorothy Porter, Alvin Poussaint, Benjamin Quarles, Lucille Roberts, Doris Saunders, Charles White and John Williams.

It was determined that 17 members constituted a quorum, and with 17 members present the meeting could be called to order and begin officially.

The minutes of the 1st Annual meeting of the BAAL were read by the secretary and approved by voice vote.

Following the reading of the minutes, the president called for the report of the nominating committee to be read by the chairman, Vertis Hayes.  This report concerned nominations of new members of the board to replace those members boing [[being]] off the board as a result of expired terms of office.  Named to replace Mr. John Williams, Mr. Robert Hooks and Mr. Charles Hamilton, were Mr. John Williams who agreed to served a second term, Mrs Etta Moten Barnett and Dr. Lawrence Reddick.  Names were called for from the floor, No other names being offered, it was dully moved and seconded that the nominations be closed and the fellows named were dully elected.  So passed.

The president next called for a report of the credentials committee