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had raised at total of 2,400 by contribution from individual fellows,much of it earmarked for awards. The annual operating budget of the BAAL is 50,000 . The question of indivudual [[individual]] assessments was discussed and turned down,and being insufficient. The question of fellows payin g [[paying]] for their banquet tickets or at least for 1 ticket was raised,but as Dr. Poussaint indicated,none of these methods was sufficient to bring up the required funds. Three mailings were sent to Black Academy fellows,with little response. A suggestion was raised from the floor that the Academy publish a souvenier joural [[journal]] and sell ads,for the annual banguet,this was discarded as there is not sufficient staff or membership to solicit ads, from book and record companies. It was added to the other suggestions.

The idea of a lecture bureau,and a days pay from each academy fellow for the benefit of the academy was broached. No conclusions were reached A motion was made and passed to accept the report of Dr. Poussaint and the Fund raising committee.

Dr. Reddick was called upon for the Fund raisers report. Dr. Reddick indicated that he had [[strikethrough]] accpe [[/strikethrough]] volunteered to chair this committee,because this seemed to be the optimum time to approach foundations for grants and funding of porposals [[proposals]]. After deliniating the difficulty of getting fellows to work with him, he reviewed those proposals that had been pensued with foundations. The National Endowment for the Arts and the Sun Oil Company,were those that had been contacted . He idicated [[indicated]] that the reception had had been cool at the National Endowment but they had been given sppcifications [[specifications]] and grant applications. He asked again for volunteers to help with proposal writing. D.Saunders volunteered to come one day to write proposals. Mrs Prettyman reported that the national endowment seemed interested in the proposal for the State of the Arts spring conference,but reminded the members that these sere