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were special projects and not for operating funds thebmost serious need of the Academy.She also repoorted meeting with the RockefellerBrother Foundation and the New York State Council for the Arts .  Reddick reiterated the need for actual proposal writing.

Lerone Bennet repeated the need for a proposal wring committee that would function. John Davis volunteered. John Williams asked for acceptance of Reddick's report. It was passed. He then called for the report of the awards committee. Dr. Hill spoke of the participation of those on her committee and questioned the validity of naming persons,such as [[strikethrough]] Sin [[/strikethrough]] Sidney Poitier,who could not function. She felt that if people agree to serve and tne find that they cannot shey should withdraw [[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]]o that the vacancy can be filled and various points of view reflected in committee work.

She reported that her committee had no difficulting agreeing on the Hall of Fame nominees,Ira Aldridge,Fredrick Douglass and George Washington Williams. Dr. Hill reported that her committee was against the use of the name, "Hall  of Fame" for this category of recognition, but that the Board had rejecti[[strikethrough]]ed[[/strikethrough]] the suggestion to change it to the Black Immortals. The Awards Committee also agreeed to nominated Katherine Dunham for outstanding achievement in the Arts,Gwendolyn Brooks for outstanding achievent in letters and Duke Ellington for  the Medal of Merit. Dr. Hill's report was accepted and the nominations approved. Inge Hardison's Newsletter committee was next. Miss Hardison reported that as the only member of her committee that with the assistance of 

the Executive Director and the office staff that two newsletters had been issued. A third had been attempted but she had not subbeeded in getting it ready before the annual meeting.

She asked for help,both in gethering news and in producing the newsletter. After discussion of ways and means of helping her,the report was accepted. Lerone Bennett's Program and planning commitee,report had been prep ared