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DATE: December 14, 1971

FROM: The President

TO: Black Academy of Arts and Letters Members

RE: Office Closing

Dear Members of the Academy,

The Black Academy offices will close during the holiday season from Wednesday, December 22nd until Monday, January 3rd. An answering service will be in operation during the house of nine to five in case you wish to have someone from the office contact you.

The members of the Personnel and Executive Committee of the Board approved the closing so that compensatory time due the staff for overtime during preparations for the Annual Meeting and Banquet could be taken in the least disruptive manner.

Enclosed please find the updated address list of all BAAL members and three reprints of news articles on the Second Annual Awards Banquet. You will be receiving the next issue of the Newsletter with reports on the Annual Meeting and other news within the next few weeks. Meanwhile, the staff and I wish you a very happy and restful holiday.

C. Eric Lincoln
C. Eric Lincoln