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On the term "Miniature painter"- Of little consequence It is true, "A rose by any other name &c" - Yet of some [[/strikethrough]] Some doubts too perhaps Exist agreeable to the English idiom whether it applies to the size of the Artist, or his profession & role. [[strikethrough]] while [[/strikethrough]] surely the latter for it is well known that some of the largest men in the prof are mi-ni-a-ture painters. x here insert the little Tom notice. but let that pass. it is not on that account we object to it. Taken as it is intended and in use - It is uncalled for by usage in other branches of professional practice. Meaningless, and uselessly unnecessary as it does not even designate the branch of art practiced — Nine out of ten [[strikethrough]] of all [[/strikethrough]] cases in branches in art of art are Executed in small or what is so called miniature. Yet who would think of calling the Marine or Landscape painter - "Miniature" painters. None certainly — Then why so the portrait painter in small tho Even in water Cols. (tho they are sometimes in Oil vide Trumbulls the most beautiful of his works) miniature painter- More so than any other branch of art. Executed below the size of the object represented- And almost all are such- How superlatively ridiculous and uselessly inappropriate it would be pronounced — To designate one who should portray the little nimble jumper [[?]] the flea, as microspecally magnified A colossal. or mamoth painter... Yet to all this perhaps we would not offer serious objection were the term not unoften used in a lowering or derogatory sense  x note Little Tom C * 

It is - or has been not infrequent to see the critics [[strikethrough]] remarks usage [[/strikethrough]] on [[strikethrough]] works [[/strikethrough]] of [[strikethrough]] the description. [[/strikethrough]] portraits in small or public Exhibition bunched together by the quantity - as No's - - - - "Miniatures— "Some good - some otherwise." "The best, nos — — are by ___. The so called miniature - is a portrait and the Artist a portrait painter, The size of his work has no more necessity as propriety is called for in being called small than these [[strikethrough]] works of the Engraver - Architectural draftsmen or other cases we have mentioned - meaningless that it simply says Painter in Small - without saying of what [[/strikethrough]] other similarly situated, and should not be so  

It will scarcely be questioned. That a work in small to possess [[strikethrough]] Excellence [[/strikethrough]] the same merit must possess the same Excellence and gracefulness of Composition - the same connection of drawing. The same truthfulness to nature, and Expression. The same proper management of light & shade- The Same Excellence in Color - And if it be performed on Ivory and in water colors. The Artist has a far less acceptable ground than the prepared canvas

Transcription Notes:
Took out mathematical equations on this page that were seen on another. Fixed a few words. Changed [[crossout]] to [[strikethrough]]