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and one who desires to conceal not display the resources of the art by which he obtains his results. This should be [[strikethrough]] felt [[/strikethrough]] the case, and when skilful management of the art is introduced such will be the case, the effect of the artists intention, and depth and sentiment of light and shadow too but it will not obtrude itself on the eye, or claim attention even in preference or in sacrifice of the very subject itself which is not unaptly the case in some productions of art even of high pretensions  Where the mind [[illegible]] addresses the latter should prevail Where the eye alone it is of little consequence 

I [[strikethrough]] have said sufficient perhaps [[/strikethrough]] deign to go no further [[strikethrogh]] ?? [[/strikethrough]] to call the attention [[strikethrough]] of the eye [[/strikethrough]] to this branch of the art. [[strikethrough]] its study. and perhaps [[/strikethrough]] the examples I have given will sufficiently illustrate this part of the subject & my intention,- The eye once [[strikethrough]] accustomed to roam [[/strikethrough]] directed to & interested in this field of art will find therein abundant material for gratification,- Mystery, one of the most powerful and delightful of the artists material, is alone [[strikethrough]] within the reach [[/strikethrough]] to be obtained by skilful adaptation of Chiaro scuro.-  That dreamy character which leaves [[strikethrough]] past to [[/strikethrough]] the the imagination the power to wander in to apparent obscurity [[strikethrough]] of shadow [[/strikethrough]] there to trace finds it now affords the imagery of the fancy, and let the objects different portrayals [[strikethrough]] the objects [[/strikethrough]] to establish the subject,[[strikethrough]] and story [[/strikethrough]]is by the will of the sentiment or poetry of chiaro scuro. Within the power of the skillful artist 

For the useful or practical purposes of life, manufacture a trade [[strikethrough]] it is less  [[/strikethrough]]Chiaro Scuro is less applicable by far than form & even colour produce the form in its purity and it is sufficient for all such useful purpose.[[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] The beautiful combinations of light and shadow are in this department useless - the unfelt arts generally provide the form. these [[strikethrough]] it [[/strikethrough]] will produce their own light & shadow and such, will fully satisfy the [[strikethrough]] painters eye [[/strikethrough]] most fastidious eye.- That nothing but practice can enable the hand to execute, is a trueism scarcely necessary to utter, and I will here add what is not quite so well and generally understood. that nothing but practice can enable the eye to see., at least to see correctly and all that is to be seen, and that there is no organ more readily deceived is certain from the unlimited success of the jugglers tricks.-     

[[strikethrough]] In the simple models [[/strikethrough]] I have submitted [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]]the most simple forms, to illustrate my subject, as I address my work to the uneducated eye. I do not now address the artists - or those versed in art, and in such simple models I deem best calculated to obtain my object, the student can himself vary, and supply more [[strikethrough]] intricate [[/strikethrough]] elaborate forms or intricate combinations to suit his own taste. The principles he will find the same, in all