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The exercises will be thus conducted - A card will be selected for the day commencing at No. 1, and placed within the view of all, [[?]] by multiplied small copies to disseminate,  The instructor will take his place in front of the schollars and if possible a little elevated above the [[?]] beside the Black Board, which should be within view of all. - He will then hold a ruler and pointed white chalk trace on the blackboard of a large size the diagram selected line by line in the order given on the [[?]] and pausing between each line for the pupils to follow him, who will each execute on a reduced scale no particular measurement will be given on his slate, the diagram as explained by the instructor. 1 sheet will be sufficient for a lesson and at 2 lessons [[?]] the set will be amply sufficient for the year. - repetitions of lessons or even the introduction of new forms may be acceptably introduced at the option or ingenuity of the teacher. The principles of [[?]] however should never be [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] as they have been selected after [[?]] deliberation and long experience.

Each pupil will of course be supplied with a slate a short (say [[?]]) straight edge. and a sharp pointed pencil.