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Nine months Ago
About Nine months ago I went diging of land
with two broges on my feet and a spade in my hand
when I thought to myself twas a pitty to see
So ingeneous A Lad. Gave A  learning to me--


then I took up my broges a & shook hands with my spade
& away to the fair like a roving young blade
where I met with a sarjent who asked me to list
I, and Big Bloodey nowns faint To  give us your fist

oh hear is two guineas and I have no more
When you come to quarters I'll make up the score
O, quarters ssays I bid the sarjant good by
Im not to be quartered my jewell not I

then I went to the colonell, who returned me thanks
he offerd me arms if I'd turn into ranks
O Bigg Bloodey [[nowns?]] cant you leave me alone
Dont you see I've got arms and have legs of my own
