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Copy of the log book of the Noble Ermice Arm
Providence July 18, 1847
July 18,
Left wharf at 9 O'clock and proceeded as
far down as the crook, where we lay off and on,
waiting for the bar-keeper, Primo - about 30,
Missing, at last, he having arrived, we
proceeded on our voyage, the following are
the names of the officers and men.
Nathan Chiles Capt
B J Bliven 1st Mate
Sam Edgforth 2nd Mate
B P Robinson Gunner
H. P Carter Gunnery Mate, & Keeper of log
J Mareshall Bar Keeper Primo
Geo Westcott Bar Keeper Secondo
Sam Arnold  }
Geo Bosworth} Crew
Geo Franklin}
L Prentiss  }
Wm Dickey Esq Musician & Gentleman
Wm Dickey Esq Musician & Gentleman
"Jim "Sharpe" "Cook"