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We could not have gone, owing to a severe indisposition of Lady Eunice who has been rather the psoycal, ever since she left Prov, and as her complaint was growing no better fast we concluded to put her under the care of a skillfull physician Dr B.....}

Sunrise July 19, The Eunice Ann is to be hauled up and repaired this morning, so the crew were all dismissed after Breakfast, to be on board at 3 O'clock P M. The Eunice was hauled up according to agreement and underwent a thorough examination a consulting physician Dr E....... was called and in about two hours she was relieved

3 O'clock P.M. All on board, all hands ordered aft to attend trial of prisoner taken yesterday by the crew of the noble Eunice. On examination it was found his name was pork alias little pig, of a portly appearance weighing about 110 pounds, he was bound over to a higher court where he will undoubtedly be tried and the honorable court paid in doughnuts.

4 O'clock P.M.
Left Newport for Block Island and dead ahead and at times verry hard made Block Island light about one O'clock, about 3 O'clock the cry of all hands on deck squall coming, started us from our slumbers turned up, and took a double reefs squall came from south east pleanty of thunder & lightning and the usuall fixings such as rain wind &c. Arrived on anchorage ground at 5 O'clock A.M. down mud hook and cleaned up preparatory to going ashore. took breakfast put on our tother houses and went ashore. Passed most of the day on shore. a part of us took dimes with the Post Master who apeared to be a verry fine man. The natives on this Island are a mixture of civilised and barbarous they get their living by fishing and occasionaly cheating such as are unfortunate enough to be thrown on their shores. they are memorably descendants of the celebrated barnegalt Pirates. 3 O'clock P.M. The wind being fair and pretty fresh, and a verry heavy sea a runing and prospect of its being no calmer for a day or two, we made sail for Newport where we arrived at 6 O'clock P.M. making