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his or her possession. Aimed off Secumet at 10 O' clock Let a guard. and arrested Several persons by the name of Tautog, Scupp, And a Mr. Hatfish. had a good chowder, and all handy were quiet on board and no signs of mutiny when the Capt went below. Ola Bluff has lost flesh, and is verry much altered owing to occasional turns of the diarrhea brought on by taking enormous quantities of Cider. Left Secumet at 5 O'clock for Stonebridge wind N. W. by N. The Capt officiated as cook owing to the senere indisposition of the same brought on by his efforts to carry to much gas. The crew of the Eunice were rather uneasy on the passage to Stonebridge the Capt had no command over them, and being determined to have something obey his orders ordered the pig below; he was accordingly deposited to keep company with the cook. The barkeeper Prevno, took upon himself the extra office of Anti barber and in the shake of a scuppy tail furnished each of the crew with a splendid pair mustaches manufactured of molasses and fur they were so much admired by the crew of Louise that they all underwent the same operation 

8 O'clock P.M. the Eunice Ann a& Louise arrived at Stone bridge, took supper, and then all handy went on there, formed company and marched up to the hotel with the clebrated band of the Eunice. performed the troop or gravel parade in front of the house to a large assemblage of people consisting of two ladies and one man. The company was dismissed and most of them reassembled in the bar room, where the cook of the Eunice took out his fiddle, and all hands joined in a faire and aster. After which, the company formed again, and took up the line of march for a place called the gut, where we frightened one persons so that he locked his doors and hid in his cellar, his opposite neighbour told us he was a dark man and that he probably thought we had come to arrest him. The crews of the Eunice & Louise tarried here a short time and then returned to the hotel where they were dismissed, the majority retired to their vessels to stay on board. Some stopped at the hotel and three lodged in a barn & this last named entertainment will never be forgotten by those who received it. The old fellow