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the Capt ordered all hands on board to make preparations for a grand artillery drill & parade. The company was formed on the wharf Band in front, this noble body of hroes moved off through the principal Streets, amid the smiles of the ladies, and cheers of the gentlemen & boys. Stopped in front of the hotel where this grand batalion of men were drawn up: went through with the grand troop in the presence of not less than three hundred persons. Dismissed until the bugle call, hung round the hotel a short time and limbered up made a great spread, then unlimbered, the bugle call was sounded, and the battalion was again formed, marched through several streets and returned to the boats where we were dismissed, took supper; cleaned up and went on a serenade at 10. O'clock to Capt Millers, & D'Wolfs, &c Capt Miller politely invited us to partake of refreshments with him which we accordingly did. After finishing this sumptuous repast for such it was in reality. The Band went into the yard of Mr D'Wolf and gave him a few tunes this finished, the crews were dismissed and some went on board whilst others stopped on shore. Mr Burgess the accomplished landlord of the commercial Hotel is not to be forgotten on this ever to be remembered occasion, he verry politely invited us to partake of refreshments with him which we were in duty bound to do as we had not as yet refused any invitation for fear of giving offence.

Saturday Morning July 23. Left Bristol with the wind W.S.W. blowing fresh fired a salute and unlimbered the Band. Passing out of the bay spoke the King Philip, no answer received the Capt of this boat is well known in Narraganset Bay, and was never known to return a salute. 

9 1/2 O'clock A.M. all hands well and enjoying great quantity of pleasure. The citizens of Bristol were much alarmed when our flying artillery paraded the streets of that place yesterday, they though we were some of Dorr's recruits, and stood so much in fear that the