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mighty patrole was doubled 3/4 past nine A.M. came too on Bristol ferry fishing ground. caught a few scupp and choqsetts.  while at anchor spoke schooner President Capt Louis bound to Kingston in ballast.  half past ten weighted anchor and cleared for north end of Prudence island.  While on passage to Prudence there was considerable fear of mutiny among the crew.  many of the officers sent in their resignations to the Capt it was finaly settled by limbering up all round.  come too at overn rock at eleven o'clock fished there about one hour, and then weighed anchor for north end of Prudence where the Louise came up and both vessels anchored alongside of each other had a grand chowder of which we all partook we made the whole a comon stock, which no doubt was a pleasure and gratification to all hands. 
We fished here a short time and cleard for Providence, on our passage in lattitude something or other if nothing else we spoke the odd Fellow Capt Ray Bliven with one passenger bound to Providence we sailed in company for

a short time and then the odd fellow was fastened to our stern passed by fields point and spoke clam house ladened with clams gin and sugar, with a quantity of moving figures.

The crew of the Louise had to stop in order to satisfy their great curiosity we rather thought they had to limber up passed fox point fired a salute and the noble band played several airs.  arrived at the wharf at about six o'clock amid the cheers of men assembled throng who were in waiting for the long absent Eunice and her gallant crews. 

Passed at a meeting of subordinate officers and crew of the Eunice Ann held on board of her whilst on the Bristol ferry fishing ground.

1st.  Resolved, that this crew tender to their gallant commander a vote of thanks for the verry able manner he has displayed in discharging the duties of his office