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while on a voyage of discovery on the coast of R.I. resolved that in all weather and at all times we have had the utmost confidence in his knowledge of navigation and sailing and think he is well worthy of a vessel  of greater tonage than the Emmie Ann.

Resolved that we never shall forget with what skill and courage he discharged his duties in the severe gale experienced off Block Island that we owe to him our unbounded thanks for safety of the noble Eunice and the lives of her crew. 

Resolved that we also tender to our gallant Capt the little tender pig which was picked up through the tender hand of Providence, by the tender crew in the tender of the noble Eunice: that he take little mite of pork to his busom and raise him up to become a barrell of pork, and on another season go with his master and the gallant crew of the Eunice on another expedition, and be able to assist the cook in frying scupp.

Resolved, that the Capt raise this little fellow and nourish him kill him in season to comply with the wishes  expressed in the foregoing resolution.

Homoepathic Soup
Take a starved pigeon hang it by a string in the kitchen window, so that sun will cast the shadow  of the pigeon into an iron pot already on the fire, and which will hold ten gallons of warter boil the shadow over a slow fire for ten hours and then give the patient one drop in a pint of water every ten days.

Sept 7th 1846 9 days

The weather for 9 successive days has been hotter than ever before remembered by our oldest inhabitants.  Thermometer ranging from 90 to 96 during the day and not falling below 83 and 85 during the night.