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Written in the summer of 46, when Polk Dallas and Sevittry passed their tariff act, beloved Harbor bill &c

Traitors the time God grant will come
when you will leave a place you've long
Disgraced_ and travel home
Never to return

Men who for Party's praise, will crush
the honest and industrious
And take away their bread
Had ought to know what' tiz to earn
the money squandered, stolen, torn
from those on whom they tread

{right side of paper}
Beauty   July 4. 1850

It speaketh in the modest rose,
  It whispereth in the night,
It thundereth in the howling storm;
   The electric flash of lights.
But rose, nor nights, nor tree nor winds,
   Nor lighting's glare, nor storm,
Such beauty hath as mornin'g eye,
   as womans matchless form,

There's not a heart, however rude, but hath some little flower 
To brighten up its solitude, and seen the evening hour,
There's not a heart, however cast by grief or sorrow down,
But has some memory. of the past, to love and call its own.


                 Dews of Heaven.
But the night new that falls, through in silence it weeps,
Shall brighten with ?, the grove where the sleeps;
     Sleep, Hero sleep, thy work on Earth is done,
Thy bodys here. thy spirit to Heaven has gone;
               Sleep, Hero sleep,
             Providence May 23,, 1851