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False One I hate Thee now,  C. H. Smith

"False one, I hate thee now, 
At twilight's sacred hour, 
When lovers breathe their vow,
In ivy mantled bower;
When lonely tolls the vesper bell,
I think of that last word - farewell.

When morn salutes the earth
And sparkling dew drops fall,
When warbling songsters loud
Their mated ones shall call -
They of thy fickleness shall tell,
And carrol in thy ear - farewell.

Within the crowded hall,
Where hearts beat high and gay,
Where flattery and pride
Their menial penance pay -
I'll hi'e me to my soul's lone cell,
And brood o'er that last word - farewell.

I told you once, I told you twice,
Tis all that I shall do,
I will not play for less than price
Part thus I do with  you.

Farewell, false friend a long farewell
Tis better we should part,
You've had your day you know full well,
But I still have the start.


An Old Song with Some New Verses

Winter is coming, the cold wind it blows,
Winter is coming, with its ice and its snows,
Winter is here? And the ground it is white
And merry are gay lads and lasses tonight.
If you would be happy,  you can be happy,
For happy are they who give to the poor.

"Over the mountains, and over the moor,
Hungry and barefoot, I wander forlorn,
My father is dead, and my mother is poor,
And she sighs for the days that will never return,"
If &c

Transcription Notes:
In the handwritten document the author substituted cursive Z's instead of S's at the end of some words. To keep the original writing as is I tried to follow as the author wrote even if it seems unsuitable to modern words. In the fourth line, last word, I replaced previous transcription word. They wrote 'lower' but I believe 'bower' is correct not only because of the handwriting transcription but the definition fits the sentence. The word 'bower' means a shady place under trees or garden. Since the sentence has the word 'ivy' I felt it was appropriate. Please consider.