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THE Daily Press

[Price $2 1/2 PER MONTH.


Nov. 24, Emphrates, Brit. sh,, 618, Stevenson, Peiho, Nov. 13, Ballast, Government.
Nov. 25, John Stephenson, Brit. bk., 392, Wesley, Peiho, Nov. 15, Ballast, Governmen.
Nov. 25, Syrian, Brit. bk., bound to Nagasaki, put back.

Nov. 26, Ardencraigh, Brit. sh. and transport, 596, Bilton, Peiho, Nov. 9, Ballast, Order. 
Nov. 26, Glendoveer, Brit. sh, and transport, 485, Jarvis, Peiho, Nov. 12, Ballast, Order
Nov. 26, Formosa, Brit. str., 800, Browne, Shanghai, Nov. 23, Silk, P. & O. Co.
Nov. 26, Melbourne, Brit. str. and transport, 1,437, Peiho, Nov. 12, Invalids, Order.
Nov. 26 H.I.M.S Japon from W'poa
Nov. 26 Main Hamb. sh..802, Haack, Shanghai, Nov. 22 Peas & Cotton, Wm. Pustan & Co.
Nov 26, Tory, Brit. bk. 482, Bennett,
Amoy' Nov 24, French Sailors. 
Nov.27. Macduff, Brit. sh. and trans.
1'135, Blacklock, Peiho Nov. 17 Troops.
Nov.27 Rajah, Brit. str., Randall.
Foochow, Nov. 24, Amoy Nov. 25 Swatow
Nov. 26, General, P. & O. Co.
Nov. 27 U.S.S Saginaw, from Japan
Nov. 27. Scotland, Brit. str., and trans- [[page torn]]

He is said to be the owner of about twenty or.
thirty of these Canton junks at Foochow.
  The British barque Tory under charter to the French Government arrived last night from Amoy with 140 men, the officers and sailors belonging to the wrecked vessel Isere. The Officers proceed home, the men are to go to Saigon.
  We are sorry to inform our readers that the remains of the unfortunate Assistance, on the night of Thursday last slipped off the rock on which she was lying into 14 fathoms water. Of course without great outlay she could not be lifted from her present position and is now irrecoverably lost.
  We understand that the Sir William Peel will have to dock at Aberdeen in order to repair some defect in her screw. Capt. Harrison of the Lady Amherst was employed to remedy the accident, but could not accomplish it, the defect being too serious.
  The British steamer Melbourne, spoke the British ship Spray of the Ocean on 21st Nov. in lat. 29.38. long. 123.35. S.


  The Pekin reports that when the P. & O. steamer Columbian left Suez at midnight on the 20th October, the Candia, with the China Mails of 15th September, has not arrived, though four days over due, she having left Aden in the 14th. It was supposed she had broken down somewhere in the Red Sea; and on the forenoon of the 27th, when the Columbian got under weight from Aden, the Pottinger had her steam up, ready to proceed in search of the missing vessel.
  The Pekin in the Straits of Malacca met H. M. I. steamer Victoria, with the transport Natolia in tow, bound to Bombay with invalid Sikhs. On the 20th, in the China Sea, [[page torn]]

18, Pursuit, from Kanagawa
18, Sancho Panza, from Hongkong
18, Zingari, str., from Ningpo
18, Princess Charlotte, from Chefoo
19, Hainan, from Swatow
19, Emma, from Nagasaki
19, Cambalu, from Goochow
19, Yangtsze, str., from Hongkong
19, Primanguet, from Peiho
19, H. I. M. S. Pregent, from -----
19, H. M. g.~b. Kestrel, from Ningpo
20, Greta, from Hongkong
20, Faust, from Ningpo
20, Catherina, from Hongkong
20, Garland, from Tientsin
21, Spiridion, from Liverpool
21, Hellespont, str., from Hongkong
21, Aden, str., from Hongkong
21, H. I. R. M. Rossadeike, from Nagasaki
17, Mary & Louisa, for Kanagawa
17, Athletae, for Hongkong
17, York, for Hongkong
17, Chusan, str., for Hongkong
18, England, str., for Kanagawa
19, Kate Hooper, for Amoy & Hongkong
20, Keepsake, for Hakodadi
21, Rover, for Japan
21, Eamont, for Ningpo
2, Bombay Castle, str., from Hongkong
5, Emeu, str., from Hongkong
9, Shakespeare, from Hongkong
22, Pekin, str., from Hongkong
22, Gertrude, from Macao
30, Asiatic, for China
30, Jorgen Bruhn, for China
Oct. ---
1, Northam, str., for China
7, Charles Henric, for China
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240 M. Manila CHEROOTS and CIGARS. 
Apply to
F. P. SOARES & Co.
* Hongkong, 26th November, 1960.
A full-toned upright PIANO by TOLKIM --- has successfully withstood the effects of the climate. Prince moderate.
Apply to A.B. at the office of this paper.
* Hongkong, 27th November, 1860.
ALL persons indebted to or having claims upon the Estate of C. W. HORDER, deceased, are requested to send particulars of the same to the undersigned, on or before the 1st March 1861.
W. LANE, Administrator. 
* Hongkong, 20th November, 1860.
CAPTAIN HARRISON, of the barque "lady Amherst," having an apparatus of diving, undertakes to put on sheets of copper and any other repairs that can be done to a ship's bottom when in the water.
* Hongkong, 27th November, 1160

A Wonder.
A GENUINE MERMAID caught at Kowa- Saki, JAPAN. To be raffled for on Saturday evening, December 1st, at 8 P.M. Parties can see this wonderful phenomenon ofnature at the "ROYAL ALBERT HO-TEL," where names can be registered and tickets supplied.
* Hongkong, 27th November, 1860.

A Person, [?] take charge of 2 Children per 
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