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too late for that show, but I'll speak to the man who assembled the show for you later on. The man, Ben Goldstein, has been assembling this collection; prints and drawings relating to the Negro, over a period of years. Prints go back several centuries and the way some of the artists saw the Brothers back then is caution. I met Mr. G only last week.

I've been working on a series on black women for a portfolio, and have finished most of it. Next I want to try a whole city block and actually did the drawings and the looking up at Al Murrays this summer. He has an interesting view of a very interesting block- 133 St and Lenox Ave. So I keep trying!

Incidently, Al Murray's book was reviewed in the New Yorker and a great review it was, last weeks, with a picture of a guy in a tweed suit among falling autumn leaves. I would imagine, this time of year, they were meant to be autumn leaves.

I was opening my window just now and must share with you a bit of profound wisdom. Two good brothers work in the garage across the side, here on Wooster St., and one of them said, as the sun broke thru an awful gray blanket of fog that's been hanging over the city, "Hey the sun broke thru." To which the other brother replied, "It don't mean shit now." that says all there is to say on ecology.

Yes, the young artist showing at the Cinque is very good, very professional. He'll move along-I'm sure. Next will be another Kenneth- Kenneth Anderson. The first artist mentioned was Jordan. Both very good. Today I looked at the young fellows work, by name Algernon Miller. Doing militant proselytisms of Danny Johnson. Can you tell me more about the show in Yipsilanti? Name. you know. What I mean- regards to J- all well here- Stay well yourself "'Fesser Gammon" -