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17 June, 1964
Dear. Mr. Castelli, 

The Bontecou and the RR. went to the Maremonts today. Hahn is sending them. I will send them an on approval in a few days. If the M.'s don't take the Bontecou, a gentleman from the Princeton Art Museum, Mr. Kelleher, the director, came in and was very interested. We told him he had first refusal. 

You will have received my telegrams by now. The ad was in Art International. We got the proof this morning. We also got the official go ahead from Chicago on the Bontecou!!! Thank goodness. So that is something. Then I found Letterhead and told Mr. Ganz that is belonged to Andy. He was very disappointed. Did we have anything else. I told him about the drawing we are sending to the Guggenheim Untitled 1964 that we brought back from Byron gallery. I said I didn't know who it belonged to. It isn't yours is it ? I told him I would beg you to consider selling it to him. Please rush me an answer. Could we sell it to him and if so how much ? 

Should we bill Dr. Eisner for the Granec restoration on the 'Memory' piece?

I spoke to John Weber this afternoon. He called about 'Trapeze'. So, unfortunately they haven't forgotten it. Do you still want to send it to them? I have all the conditions written out if you do. We didn't slate it for anything else. And it hasn't sold here. I spoke to him about the Dante books and he was very excited. I also cleared up the 2 mysterious checks. The construction was an old one Bob did on the West coast and was therefore not registered here.

I am enclosing a note from Mr. Kiesler. Apparently Mr. Springer showed interest in having a Kiesler show and K. invited Springer to fly to America to discuss the matter.

Would you please speak to Alfieri in connection with the various color plates that Metro used ? John Rublowsky who is writing the book on Roy is interested in seeing if he could use them. They would also be of future use to us.

4 EAST 77 ST • NEW YORK 21