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26 June, 1964

Dear Mr. Castelli,

Ivan is about to embark for ports West and exotic regions and salutes you. As you can image, we were all terribly pleased about Bob's VICTORY!! but would have liked to know before anybody else. As it was we were all away over the weekend, did not see the N.Y.Times story and Mr. Ganz broke it to us. This pleased him inordinantly but made me feel like Doris Dope!

LIFE is having a huge spread on Bob. Rosalind C. has been here and called everyday since the beginning of the week and of course, we have been most helpful.

Mrs. Herbert Lee has been in and seen Calendar. She is mad to have it. We really could use the money. Ivan told her we would have to hear from you if it were for sale and what price. We figured $7,000.00 to $9,000.00. It really is a more than superb piece, in case you don't remember it exactly. Really I have seen few of his painting that top this in subtle beauty. I am crazy about it.

Let me know whether to send the Stella to Irving. Frank is going to do the 4 little ones for us, and I will pay him mid July. Babara says they can hold out til then.

Poor old John Weber is panting for Trapeze. It would be marvelous if we could sell it or persuade Bob to keep it as his andlet us sell Quote. But really John is such a bore and I do hate dealing with Dwan. I sometimes think they couln't sell lemonade in the Sahara, but that is only a mean thought.

I received a nice letter from Jap who is coming back in a week or maybe two. He seems fit and busy. I do hope he will be inspired to great productivity. I wish we could see what he is doing in Japan. John Chamberlain has a loft and is itching to get to work. He has 4 definate pieces in mind, Frank would like very much to know what the situation with Kasmin is. Maybe you can glean something from him in London. Frank says the new series is "difficult". It is very large for one and all metalic. Roy is painting along at his usual pace and has brought in 3 really marvelous plexiglas landscapes. We are hording them all for the show.