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I will call both Krausher and Ganz( who has not left as I spoke to him the other day in connection with the Dante.

I couldget Irving to help me with Mrs. Asher. We did send out Statements though just before Nancy left.

Jasper has been of no help with the Argentina business. I am afraid it will be your flag after after all. Whatabout the Soby white target ? At any rate I have sent the catalogue material, biographies and photographs etc... Now only left is to organize the shipment which is no kmean job as all the pieces are spread all over the country side. 

I have written to Mr. Kaye and am hoping to hear from him soon. In any case I have been in touch with Mr. Futterman and he has the matter under his belt. 

Today I sold the little chamberlain and the Grey False Start. I had your price of $ 350.00 for False Start. Someone else wants to know the price of the RR Coca cola litho we have left, also can I sell him one of the Hatteras prints ( we have 2 here ) and he also was interested in the Bontecou large circular swirly 3/28 litho. Is it for sale ? How much ? He also reserved 2 of the new RR Lithos. 

I am pretty tired right now and I think if I can get away by this Thursday I will spend a little time at home : 

2709 34th Place, N.W.  Wash, 7, DC  202 333 7109 

before going down to the sea shore  : 101 5th Street, Beach Haven  609 492 2662 

I will be writing to you again before I go and give you some final information. 

4 EAST 77 ST . NEW YORK 21       

Love Nina