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18 September, 1964

Mrs. Ileana Sonnabend
37 Quai des Grands Augustins
Paris VIe

Dearest Ileana,

Just using the brief note system that we talked so much about, but never properly put into practice. I see from the Members catalogue of the Museum of Modern Art that Rauschenberg's illustrations of Dante's Inferno will be shown in Germany as follows:

Museum am Ostwall
Oct. 1-31

Dortmund and Hamburg, Germany
Nov. 1 - 30

I instructed Abrams to send you for the moment 10 copies of the Dante book. You will also receive 2 press copes without the litho to be given to 2 of your favorite critics in Paris (I guess Otto Hahn would be one of them). For the record the sales price of the book will be $300.00, your commission is 25%. As I am on the subject of the Dante books, would you like to handle them for all of Europe or can I send some copies directly to say Beatrice ?