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Leo: Oh, that 1957. It was March, 1957, and my gallery had opened its doors in...February 1st, 1957. So it was really right thereafter.

Take 4
Ques: When did you first meet Rauschenberg?
Leo: I first met Rauschenberg sometime in 1950 -- I'm not quite sure when. I think it was at Betty Parson's Gallery. He had a show there...of white paintings. And I was looking at that time -- or perhaps it was '51 really -- for artists to put in my -- in our -- Ninth Street show that we were organizing then with deKooning, [[strikethrough]] L [[/strikethrough]] Kline, and all those people. He was a slim young man at that time. I remember him vividly, although I don't remember exactly when I first saw him. And although I didn't quite understand again what he was about, I was impressed by this very spare idea of his of presenting a group of white paintings. I had been involved earlier, therefore this kind of gesture, daring gesture was familiar to me and entirely acceptable. Well I then put one of his paintings, it was not one of those white ones, in the Ninth Street show. From then on I met him here and there not too often, until...I would say his show at Charlie Eagan's back in...December '53 it was, I believe, where he showed a fantastic array of (phone rings) paintings...

Ques: Wait.

Leo: ...predominantly red. (phone again) One of these paintings