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[[strikethrough]] wher [[/strikethrough]] which is far from being haphazard.

Take 6
Leo: Right behind me...
Ques: Don't give a lecture please.
Leo: Sorry.
Ques: It's just there then you talk.
Leo: In Rauschenberg's first show one of the paintings was 'The Bed' or 'Bed'. It is one of's one of my favorite paintings of [[strikethrough]]r[[/strikethrough]] Rauschenberg's. Matter of fact it decided me to take on Bob; I thought it was so great. I had a quite different idea about [[strikethrough]]him[[/strikethrough]] it at that time. It seemed to me a horrifying thing. The bed representing well, where people ware born, where they slept, where they made love, and also where they were assassinated, and that's the idea that this bed gave me. I've changed my mind about it since then and I find it extremely pleasant and gay, and I don't know how I and [[strikethrough]]g[[/strikethrough]] quite a few other people were [[strikethrough]]more[[/strikethrough]] impressed by the brutal quality of this, of this painting which doesn't seem brutal to me at all now. In that show there was also another great painting of Bob's and you can see it now at the Metropolitan-- 'Rivers' (??) a very large painting which probably summarized all of Bob's activity up to that point and then also looked into the future.