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Ques: Leo...where were we...

Leo: You wanted to speak about theatre.

Ques: Oh, yes. Right. You know Leo we've been talking about Bob's openness toward everything in the world and the way he makes his art in a sense indistinguishable from life, and in a way the theatre business that he's involved in now is very logical product of a direction in which he's been going from...from the very beginning, wouldn't you say?

Leo: Right. And then there is the added thing that he always had been involved with John Cage and Merce Cunningham. Witness his extended trip with them through the [[strikethrough]] h [[/strikethrough]] whole world including Iron Curtain countries, India and Japan, Bankok...  So there are all these elements that come together there to explain his great interest in, in theatre, theatre and dance. And his own productions where he sometimes also is an[[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] actor are typically his. There's a whole group of people around him, I think, that have been greatly influenced by him. [[strikethrough]] Tge you [[/strikethrough]] The younger people, and even the older ones for that matter. Well, we've seen performances recently, not so long ago, an important group of performances at your theatre rally last spring which...a very important piece of Rauschenberg's figured very prominently -- turtles with lights on their back moved mysteriously in a dark room...

Ques: You know there's another thing about this though too...apart