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MRS. ELAYNE VARIAN:  How many people do you have working in your gallery?

MR. LEO COSTELLI:  [[strikethrough]] Seven, in the gallery. [[\strikethrough]] If you consider the other people, like bookkeepers, and ? who does the announcements, catalogues. The persons who work in the wharehouse [[warehouse]], there are other people there, too. But there are parttime personnel...

MRS. V.:  What about your uptown gallery?

MR. C.:  The uptown gallery has one person who works parttime,from one to five. Then there's the whole crew downstairs at the wharehouse [[warehouse]], that does work parttime for me, quite substantially.

MRS. V.:  Can you store there as well as exhibit there?

MR. C.:  You see, there are, was a place for storage to begin with. Then I began to think about the space, that was so big, and so good, that I began to exhibit there. At the present moment the exhibition space has displaced the storage space. The storage part is all [[strikethrough]] arou [[\strikethrough]] cramed [[crammed]] in a corner, and still functions badly as a place that [[strikethrough]] ? [[\strikethrough]] was just a quarter of the size of this one here. And so [[strikethrough]] sufficient [[\strikethrough]] exhibition space has been taken over. It's been a fantastic success.

MRS. V.:  I think it's very interesting that there are two galleries you, and Feigen, who now of like...extensions of your own galleries where you are showing either young, new artists, or large exhibitions of gallery artists, so to speak.

MR. C.:  Yes, it's that or very large pieces that cannot be shown in the gallery because they are too large. Or another thing [[strikethrough]] k [[\strikethrough]], is when the artist exhibits here and has printed material that he wants to show up here and there. Because those 2 rooms upstairs are not sufficient . As in the recent Martist exhibition. Here these occupy only one room for a very large painting. And in the back I finally can show a few other things, I had around, Rauschenbergs. The wharehouse [[warehouse]] on the other hand, now has Peter's.

MRS. V.:  I though you had a Rosenquist also.

MR. C.:  No, Rosenquist is just in the one room here. The next show

Transcription Notes:
needs to read strikethrough, not crossout updated 9/4/21 Re-checked 9/4/21 1:22pm