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Jersey Homesteads
Hightstown, New Jersey
July 14, 1941

Mr. Edward B. Rowan
Fine Arts Section 
Public Buildings Administration 
Washington D.C.

Dear Ed:

This letter is "in re" three matters:- One, the condition of the wall in the Social Security Building, two, the specifications which you requested for "the perfect fresco wall" and three, an urgent request that you let me know what can be done just as soon as it as at all convenient for you. 

1, The Wall: The surface, as it stands, is very badly cracked. It is also excessively porous. I think that the reasons for this are [[strikethrough]] first, [[strikethrough]] that the plaster was put on all in one coat (3/4" thick!) Second, that it was obviously applied too wet, and third, that it wasn't sufficiently worked. and floated.

The final plaster coat, that is, the painting coat, will of necessity be much harder than the very porous plaster which is now on the wall, and therefore will exert a different tension, which is to say that the conditions will be perfect for a great deal more cracking.

2, The Specifications: It is of course too late to construct an underwall with furring and lathing according to the enclosed specifications. Therefore, so far as we are concerned, the specifications which we can follow to [[strikethrough]] remedy [[strikethrough]] replacing the bad plaster now on the wall begin on page 2 with the item: Plastering. 

I haven't yet obtained estimates upon the cost of the work, but shall do so immediately and send them on to you. 

3, Since I am now ready to begin work on the wall I suppose that you can appreciate my anxiety over the length of time which may be involved before the wall can be replastered. If you could give me any satisfaction on that score I shall indeed be grateful. 

Very sincerely yours,

Transcription Notes:
All the 1s look like Is (see July 14, 1941)It is 1, The Wall: There appears o be parenthesis around (3/4" thick!) and the period appears to be turned into an exclamation point It is pretty common to see 1 as I at this time. I don't think transcription as 1 where appropriate is a big deal as long as there is no change of meaning. I put in the amendments.