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In February I had a show of a Chinese artist (currently living in NY) from Beijing. It was a request of his & albeit a departure from my faces of Africa - Amer artists, I nevertheless feel that art is universal.  In May, I will exhibit two AF-AM female artists, and am looking forward to it as both are strong artists.
Given I still wish to acquire one of your works + will contact Francine.
All the best to both of you. As you may know, I have the highest admiration for both individually, and as a couple.  Please continue to be well. 
Much Love,

P.S. Please Pardon change in pens

[[Printed at bottom of notecard]] 
The Funky Spot
Things Graphic & Fine Art, Wash., D.C.
[copyright symbol]James Denmark

Transcription Notes:
Document is the writing on the back of a notecard. The front of the notecard is a print, presumably of "The Funky Spot". It is of a band playing.