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October 19, 1977

Mr. Jacob Lawrence
4316 37th Avenue, N.E.
Seattle, Washington

Dear Jacob:

Please accept my sincere apologies for not writing sooner.  Since I visited you in May I have not been at my healthiest.  I hope you will understand this prolonged delay.

Following our verbal conversation I am writing to formally invite you for a One-Man Show at Spelman College during April, 1978 and ask you to be present at the opening.  
As I told you, the college will underwrite shipping costs from New York to Atlanta and back.  This will include crating, freight and insurance charges.  The college will provide economy class air fare from Seattle to Atlanta and return.  Also we will provide board and lodging during your stay.  We will also publish a catalog concerning your show.  During your two or three day stay we expect you to visit our classes and to give one lecture for the general public.  Incidentally I am trying to find some money in regard to the honorarium which we would very much like to pay, but will let you know the exact figure later.

Even though you agreed to the aforementioned, I hope this meets with your approval.  Let me have your confirmation at your earliest.

If I recall correctly you mentioned during our conversation that your New York Gallery and I have to sort out the number of pieces which should be included.  This being the situation, I would appreciate it if you would write to your Gallery about the show so that I may start making the arrangements.  I shall appreacitate you sending me a copy for your letter to them.

Please give me deepest personal regards to your wife and you know that you always have it.  Hope, you both enjoyed your stay in New York and bridged the gap of space and time with your friends.

Yours truly,

Hans Bhalla, Chairperson
Department of Art

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Member United Negro College Fund