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Jacob Lawrence
4316 37th Avenue N.E.
Seattle, Washington 98105

January 2nd 1978

Ms. Jenelsie W. Holloway
Acting Chairman
Department of Art
Spelman College
Atlanta, Georgia 30314

Dear Ms. Holloway:

This letter is especially to confirm our telephone conversation of January 1st 1978, in regards to the possibility of my having an exhibition at Spelman College during April of 1978...and also of the possibility of my visiting the College at sometime during the exhibition.

As stated during our telephone conversation, I do consider your invitation an honor and my gallery in New York is being informed of your invitation. It would expedite matters greatly if you could contact the Gallery.

Ms. Luise Ross, Associate
Terry Dintenfass Gallery, Inc.
50 West 57th Street
New York, New York 10019

Telephone: (212) 581-2268

The Dintenfass Gallery handles all such request and where possible is most cooperative. If there is a problem, it is that of time. The Gallery is now at work on an exhibition for me that is scheduled for the beginning of March.

It would have been a pleasure for me If I could have accepted your invitation to visit Spelman at sometime during the exhibition. Spelman College has such a fine reputation and I know that such a visit would be a most rewarding experience for me. So I do regret that I cannot accept due to obligations both in and outside of school here.

I was very sorry to learn of the death of Professor Hans Bhalla whom I had the pleasure of seeing last year when he visited Seattle.

I regret that I did not get to answer correspondence in regards to an exhibition at Spelman...but things got so hectic here, but I do hope that something can be worked out.