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18 east 67th st.-new york 21, n. y.

31 October 1974

Ms. Doris Friedman
City Walls
25 Central Park West
New York, New York

Dear Doris:

This is to confirm my telephone conversation with your associate who called about the Jacob Lawrence commission from City Walls. I am glad your committee has decided to wait for the execution of this commission until Mr, Lawrence can give serious consideration to this project, as he is most interested to produce a work of lasting artistic merit rather than something done hurriedly and not thoroughly thought out. He expressed e desire to see the wall personally and I am hoping he will be East some time within the next several months.

Mr. Lawrence and I discussed the fact that the projected mural is in the Harlem community and that the design for it need not be large. We both feel that he would like to make his fee adaptable to your budget. The figure of $2,000 is the minimum. Should the grants amount to more, I feel it should be proportional. I know the cost of the actual execution is high, but Mr. Lawrence will be taking a great deal of his time and should be compensated accordingly.

If there are any further questions please contact me and I will be most happy to help. I expect to be in Seattle on the 12th of December and can ask any questions personally you may have thought of beforehand.

Kindest regards,



cc: Jacob Lawrence