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Chapin, Louis, review, The Christian Science Monitor, June 9, 1972

Cohen, Andrea O., "Alma Thomas," D.C. Gazette, vol. 1, October 26-November 8, 1970

________, "It Keeps Me Alive," The Washingtonian, July, 1972 

D[erfner], P[hyllis], "Reviews and Previews-Alma Thomas," Art News, vol. 71, 
  Summer, 1972

Driskell, David C. and Herring, James V., Alma W. Thomas: A Retrospective Exhibition 
  (1959-1966), Howard University Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., April 24-May 17, 
  1966 (exhibition catalog) 

________, Alma W. Thomas, Carl Van Vechten Gallery of Fine Arts, Fisk University, 
  Nashville, Tennessee, October 10-November 12, 1971 (exhibition catalog) 

Forgey, Benjamin, review, The Washington Sunday Star, September 15, 1968 

________, "A Charming Young Painter," The Washington Evening Star, April 27, 1972 

Harney, Tom, "The Young 74-Year-Old," The Washington Daily News, August 30, 1968

Hieronymus, Clara, review, The Nashville Tennessean, October 17, 1971

Hoffman, Ellen, "Colorful Abstracts Reflect Her Spirit," The Washington Post, May 4,

Jervis, Ida, "Magic Windows of Alma Thomas," The Art Scene, vol. 1, Summer, 1971

Mahal, H.E., "Approaches to Inhumanity," The Art Gallery, vol. 13, April 1970

Marr, Warren II, "Alma Thomas: May Crisis Cover," The Crisis, vol. 77, May, 1970

Mellow, James, "Alma Thomas's Expert Abstraction," The New York Times, May 29,

Richard, Paul, "Building Blocks: Endless Art," The Washington Post, September 15, 1968

________, "First Solo Show at 77, "The Washington Post, April 28, 1972

Rose, Barbara, review, New York, vol. 5, May 15, 1972

Schjeldahl, Peter, review, The New York Times, May 14 1972

Shirey, David L., "At 77, She's Made It to the Whitney," The New York Times, May
  4, 1972

Thomas, Alma W., Alma W. Thomas, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York,
  April 25-May 28, 1972 (exhibition catalog)

Trescott, Jacqueline, "The Seasons, The Flowers, The Sea . . . All Part of Her Paintings,"
  The Washington Sunday Star, August 29, 1971