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[[strikethrough]] you would when she made give the document.[[/strikethrough]]
When her last wishes were put on paper in her own hand writing, two days before she died, she was confident that you [[strikethrough]] would [[/strikethrough]] the museum of National American Art would take care [[strikethrough]] exhibit [[/strikethrough]] of her paintings [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] exhibit them [[strikethrough]] for the public [[/strikethrough]] and left them travel in other exhibits for the world to enjoy her God given talent.

For the most part you the museum, [[strikethrough]]house [[/strikethrough]] have [[strikethrough]]doc [[/strikethrough]] and are granting [[strikethrough]]the [[/strikethrough]] her, her wishes.

The tribute you paid Alma and her paintings were overwhelming and one that will live in the minds and the hears of the public forever,

Again, Thank you!