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TAMARIND LITHOGRAPHY WORKSHOP, INC. 1112 N. Tamarind Avenue, Los Angeles 38, California

March 26, 1963

Miss Louise Nevelson
29 Spring Street
New York City, N.Y.

Dear Miss Nevelson:

I am delighted to hear from Martha Jackson that you are interested in coming to Tamarind on a fellowship and can offer you the two month of May thru June 1963.

An agreement in duplicate is enclosed. Please sign one copy and return it to us in the stamped envelope herewith.

On the chance that you may have forgotten the material we sent you back in 1961, we are also enclosing the details of our fellowship program.

We have mutual friends in Tony and Halina Rosenthal and Tony can fill you in on anything else you might wish to know about us since he, too, had a fellowship at Tamarind. Other New York artists who have been here are Adja Yunkers, Esteban Vicente and Matsumi Kanemitsu. You might also wish to speak with them.

We look forward to your visit with great anticipation. I have heard that your drawings are very beautiful, and this would suggest the probability that you would enjoy this medium. We, on our part, will do everything we can to make your stay enjoyable for you.

With kind regards,

^[[June Wayne]]
June Wayne, Director

P.S. Sam Francisco is one of our two artists currently in residence, and when he heard of your coming, he said to send his love. He's having a fine time here.

a non-profit organization devoted to the stimulation and preservation of the art of the lithograph