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Grants: Cash grants will accompany all fellowships as follows:

1. Transportation

a. Fellows NOT resident in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area will receive the equivalent of ROUND TRIP air fare (tourist - jet) from their home city to Los Angeles.

b. Fellows resident in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area will receive a transportation grant based on the following formula:

Round-trip distance from the fellow's residence to the Tamarind Workshop x $6.00

Example: 40 miles x $6.00 = $240.00

But in no case shall the Los Angeles fellow receive less than $200.

2. Subsidy

Fellows NOT resident in the Los Angeles Metropolitan area who therefore must maintain households in their own cities will receive a cash grant of $1,000 as a subsidy toward their cost of living while a Tamarind Fellow.

NOTE: Due to budget limits, it will not be possible to award additional cash grants if appointments are extended.