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8. (continued) The artist shall have the right to up to 5 impressions of such a work, and Tamarind shall have the right to up to 5 if, in the opinion of the Technical Director, the Associate Director, or the Director of Tamarind, the print has technical or esthetic significance. Such proofs shall be called EXPERIMENTAL PROOFS, be signed by the artist, and lettered according to the alphabet. A shall belong to the artist, B to the Workshop, and so on alternately until ten shall be so lettered. The collaborating printer also may elect to have such an impression and this shall be called EXPERIMENTAL PROOF - PRINTER'S IMPRESSION, and shall be signed by the artist as well.

9. Frequently an artist may do a print which will require the services of more than one printer. In such a case, the second printer also is entitled to a printer's proof even though his chop will not be carried on the print intself. In that case, an extra print is made outside the edition which will be called PRINTER'S PROOF II, though in such a case, it must not be confused with the "Bon a Tirer"

10. We have found that sometimes an artist develops a close working relationship with a member or members of the staff and would like to present a staff member with an impression of a given work. In such a case, if the artist indicates this in advance, he may strike an extra impression or two (not more than three total INCLUDING the second PRINTER"S PROOF, should such be needed). Such impressions are called PRESENTATION PROOF and in the signing should also carry the name of the person to whom the print is being presented: i.e.

Presentation Proofs are always elective with the artist and are provided here on the basis of our experience for the first two years of Tamarind.

11. The Workshop shall have the right to print and retain, at its discretion, a series of Progressive Proofs of color lithographs, these proofs to be signed by the artist as PROGRESSIVE PROOF - STONE (OR ZINC) I", etc. Should Tamarind elect to keep such Progressive Proofs of a given print, the artist may then elect to have such proofs too.

12. The size of the edition, the number of artist's proofs, trial and printer's proofs, presentation proofs, progressive proofs, etc. together with pertinent technical material, shall be recorded in the archives of the Workshop. The artist shall assist the Curator and the Associate Director in the preparation of these records, and will, together with the printer involved for each print, sign such documentation of the limiting of the edition.