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Mr. Tony Smith -2- April 28, 1978

to be moving around the Gracehoper with you, how far back from the Gracehoper would you want them. 

2. Public Address. It has been suggested that perhaps for your convenience and the convenience of the audience (particularly if you choose that they be seated), a public address system be used. Given the acoustics (or the lack thereof) a lavaliere microphone would not be suitable and it is suggested that you use a hand microphone. If you propose to walk around the Gracehoper during your talk, arrangements would be made to give you ample cord. 

3. Children's Activities. We are not sure how many children will be in attendance and while we expect that they would be older children, there may be younger children as well. We think it best to make arrangements as would best hold their interest during the entire event. It so happens that the Fanfare Theatre Ensemble out of New York City will be performing a children's western musical at the Detroit Institute of Arts Youth Theatre at 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Our event will be occurring between these performances. Veteran performers from the ensemble are willing to entertain the children while they are eating but would not be part of the program itself. While the subject matter of their entertainment is decidedly different, it is our thought that this will not detract from the program but will assure the continued attention of all children during the program. We hope you will concur. We will also be supplying all children with drawing materials so that they might sketch the Gracehoper during the picnic. 

4. Rain or Wet Grounds. It is felt that a rain date would not suit your convenience of the convenience of the audience and would be impractical in that if it rains so much on Saturday as to postpone the picnic, the grounds would likely be too wet to hold it outside on Sunday. Accordingly, the south court of the Institute will be set up to accommodate the event, yet we would remain flexible so that if the weather cleared, we would go outside to hear your talk. In addition, indoor space will be set up so that the Institute's film on the Gracehoper and the slide show on its construction can be shown. Since this would be set up anyway, it is planned to show the film and slide show following an outside picnic to those who would be interested.