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December 16th, 1976

Susanne Hilberry Gallery
555 South Woodward
Birmingham, Michigan 48011

Dear Susanne,

As per our conversation earlier today, the following is a list of Tony Smith pieces and prices relative to your forthcoming exhibition:

[[3 columned table]]
| Title | Retail Price | Your Price |
| "Throne" | $ 24,000. | $ 17,000. |
| "Beard Wig" | $ 24,000. | $ 16,500. |
| "Equinox" | $ 24,000. | $ 16,500. |
| "Duck" | $  5,500. | $  4,000. |
| "New Piece" | $ 14,000. | $ 10,000. |
| "Smog" | $ 28,000. | $ 21,000. |

Please remember that these are the prices only if you purchase any one of these pieces (or combination of them) outright. Otherwise, you have a 20% commission on pieces sold on consignment.

We are expecting to receive $20,000.00 from you today, which along with the previous $5,000 paid directly to Tony Smith represents an advance to us for pieces which you will buy specifically before the end of the exhibition.

The exact dates of the show will be determined as soon as we know the date of Tony's return from Hawaii.