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by far the most serious I have ever passed continuing my work at Bonnats in the evening until early in February. I learned much from his quiet critizm, at the same time I of course worked steadily at the Atelier in the mornings and afternoons had modles in my own Studio with the exception of Mondays and Fridays when I had regularly attended the lectures on Anatomy at the Beaux Arts, this constant employment has not in the least impaired my health and the spring finds me in excellent condition. Our annual dinner to Duran came off in January and was a great success the following week he left for a trip to Nice taking with him Hinckley, Parker and Sargent, at the time I was much pique at this choice but since my good sense has returned to me and the time of their absence saw me making enormous exertions, my progress has been steady and I see great improvement in my work but yet how bad it is by comparison to what I wish it to be. In Jany I had a fit of the blues the first and most serious I ever encountered my depression was intolerable, philosophy came through at last and with it firm resolutions for the future. From Bonnats I came back and worked a month at Sussex but now I hope my drawing evening is over and that hereafter my fireside and books will be my companions evenings. The [[strikethrough]] day [[\strikethrough]] night of the micarame we celebrated by a ball in our Atelier probably le plus bohemian that I have ever seen at half past four we broke up. The Society of the Sargents and Austins with their friends has