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with trees. The musee civico was my last resort and although there are not many good picture there one is intoxicated by the glorious Venetian color as several Bonafazio's [[Bonifazio]] and other distinguished colorists are not badly represented. a little work of Veronese in marble showed careful painting equal to Gerome in care. I saw at the church at half past six a procession in honor of the Saint it was very long and the crowd fell on their knees as the holy reliques were born past followed by a line of the good people of the town bearing candles with a beautiful little girl in their midst scattering flowers. After I had eaten my dinner and was thinking of starting for the depot I calculated to my self that it was a modle trip and my expenses total would be about ten francs a day, but the old hag who had rented me my room for which in my foolishness I had made no bargin changed the figures in my calcule when she wanted five francs a night for the room. "Sie festa Signore" was her excuse for the extortion. I squabbled with her until I had exhausted what Italian I knew when I was obliged to pay, and at ten oclock took the train back to Venice travelling in a third class carriage and coming from the depot to the Piazza St Marco in a barca omnibus but the surroundings amused me.

Belluno Italy Wednesday eve June 23rd 75
I can not scarcely contain myself to say that I left Venice yesterday morning at 10.25 and came to Treviso where I passed the day until 525 when I came to Serrevalle where I remained last night. This afternoon and evening have been such unusual experiences. the delightful old party who was in the coupe with me this P.M. I must look and see what his name is & a name as long as my arm, but when I mounted in the diligence at Serevalle this PM at 2 I found an elderly gentleman there and as he spoke a few words of French and I a few of Italian we immediately began a conversation. he was acquainted with all the magnificent country through which we passed the houses scarred and ruined by the earthquake two years ago and the great mountain which centuries ago was broken in half, the Lago morto, all were described and pointed out to me, and tonight we dined together here at the "Due Torre" and after I had taken a charming walk through the Citta Vecchia I met him at the Capp, several Italian gentlemen joined us, all treated me and my stumbling conversation with particular politeness, and when a few moments since I left my old friend here in front of the hotel he kissed me positively kissed me on both cheeks, a farewell and promised to write me at Paris so we are all dependant on one another in this world and the pleasure this kind man has given me today is not by any means small.