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guard of silk ribbon from around his neck. He was the [[strikethrough]] variest [[/strikethrough]] veriest personification of the citizen of the United States in the Anti-bellum [[Antebellum]] days. [[strikethrough]]  He was [[/strikethrough]] My senior by possibly two score years but [[strikethrough]] he was [[/strikethrough]] without occupation and abjectly homesick. [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough]] He clung to me with pathetic dependence. Had I not been cheered by the novelty of my surroundings, I too might have been overcome by the depressing influence of the climate. The following day we went out to the quaint village of Chester where all American tourists go on their first landing in Liverpool. We stopped there that night at "Robertson's Temperance Hotel". Now, I had always thought of "Temperance" as meaning, 'not drinking of liquor to excess," but here was a