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240 EZO.



proceed by a bevy of gorgiously [[gorgeously]] dressed footmen. It all seemed to me like a Circus only the velvet was real and the tinsel had the air of gold. The performance struck the American as artificial and not impressive. Drury Lane theatre and the acting impressed me, and the streets at night were much more gay and noisy than any I had ever seen; as I said in one of my letters "Every one is awake at night but in the morning, even the chambermaids are asleep". I was impressed with the character and beauty of the South Kensington Museum, but said in my little note book that I did not think Turner in his right mind. I went through the schools and was surprised at the meager attendance although the advantages seemed admirable. I considered the standard of work higher in our National Academy school in N.Y. The metropolitan R.R. was a