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THE ART NEWS * 136 East 57 Street, New York
Plaza 3-5067-8-9 • Established 1902 • Cable address: Gagol, New York

N.Y.Central R.R.
466 Lexington

December 13, 1938

Vernon C. Porter, Esq., Director
Riverside Museum
310 Riverside Drive
New York City

Dear Mr. Porter:

Your letter of November 29 to the late Mr. S.W. Frankel Sr. has been referred to me as editor of The Art News.

We would be delighted to publish a short note about Mr. Hine's work, but since photography is only corollary to the material which we usually emphasize, we cannot publish a long article. However, I should be glad to have some more material about the exhibition.  With all good wishes, believe me,

Faithfully yours,

Alfred Frankfurter
