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NARA 320 

[[Mansor?]] London Est.
[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Void | House (single) cor Princess and 4th St Block 168. |   |   |
|   | By rent Herman Echle. 1 Mo to Apl 27/65 | $ 12.50 |   |
|   | To amt returned Herman Echle. the above property being occupied by U.S. (Lease destroyed) |   | 12.50 |

N.N. Nixon Est.
[[3 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1865 | House Chestnut St. bet. 3 and 4th Block 193. |   |
|   | By rent Louis L. Barber 1 Mo to Apl 25/65 | 35.00 |
| June 8 | By rent Louis L. Barlow 2 Mo to June 25/65 | 70.00 |
| July 12 | By rent Louis L. Barlow 1 Mo to July 25/65 | 20.00 |
| July 21 | By rent Louis L. Barlow 1 Mo to Aug 25/65 | 20.00 |
| July 25/65 | Transfd to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen  &c |   |

This property Restored to N N Nixon by Special Order No 28, dated Asst Commissioner's Office Raleigh NC August 18/65 his right in the same to take effect on and after 23/65 which time the lease expires.