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NARA 328

J.W. Whitfield. Estate.
Home on Walnut St. bet 4 & 5. Block 221.

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 

|   | By rent. Mrs. J.A. Sanders. 1 mo to May 1st 1865 | 12.50 |
| May 1. | By rent Mrs. J.A. Sanders repairs which were very necessary amtnting to $13.00 enclosed on her lease in paymt for month of May 1865 |
| June 2 | By rent Mrs J.A. Sanders for month of June | 12.50 |

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

July 25/65 Transfered to Financial Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
| July 31 | By Rent of Mrs. Sanders 1 mo. to July 7/65 | 28 | 12.50 |
| Aug 7 | By Rent of Mrs. Sanders 1 mo. to Sept 7/65 | 38 | 12.50 |
| Aug 31 | By Rent of Mrs. Sanders 1 mo. to Sept 1/65 | 48 21 | 12.50 |
| Nov 8 | By Rent of Mrs. Slaughter 1 mo. to Nov 1/65 | 69 | 12.50 |

Oct 13 This property restored Sp Or No 61 dated Oct 5th 1865 to take effect on Expiration of Lease Nov 30/65


F.H. Wright. Estate.
Front & Rear office. no Front & rear Front St. off Cape Fear Bank. Block 164.

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 

|   | By rent. J.F. Ertkenker. 1 mo to May 1st 1865 |[[strikethrough]] 12.50 [[/strikethrough]] 18.75 |
| May 12 | By rent. J.F. Ertkenker. 1 mo to June 1/65 | 18.75 |
| June 3 | By rent. J.F. Ertkenker. 1 mo to July 1/65 | 24.00 |
| July 3 | By rent. J.F. Ertkenker. 1 mo to Aug 1/65 | 24.00 |

July 25/65 Transfd. to Financial Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen &c
| Aug 1 | By rent J.R. Ertkenker 1 mo to Sep 1/65 22 | 24.00 |
| Sept 1 | By rent J.R. Ertkenker 1 mo to Oct 1/65 49 | 24.00 |

This property restored to Mrs Mary Wright by Spl Order No 45 dated Asst Comms. Office Raleigh N.C. Sept 14th 1865 her right in the same to take effect on and after the 1st day of October 1865 which time the lease thereon expires