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NARA 348

61. Bruce Walker Estate.
Store. Lower floor So. Water St bet Market & Dock Block 151. 

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 

|   | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to May 1/65 | 16.50 |     
| May 3 | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to June 1/65  | 16.50 |   
| May 31 | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to June 1/65 | 16 50 |   
| July 6 | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to Aug 1/65 | 16 50 |   

July 25th/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

| Aug 7 | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to Sept 1/65 | 16.50 | 
| Sept 6 | By rent Alfred Martin 1 Mo to OCt 1/65 | 16 50 | 

This property Restored to Charles B Walker by special order No 33 dated Asst Commissioners Office Raleigh N C August 29/65 his right in the same to take effect on and after Octo 1/65 which time the lease thereon expires 

T.W. Brown Estate
Block 73 House on Front St between Queen and Castle Sts

[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | 

| 1865 Apl 10th | By Rent Milly Jordan 1 Mo to May 1st | 5 00 |
| May 6th | By Rent Milly Jordan 1 Mo to June 1/65 | 5 00 |
A sick Col'd woman

July 25th/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

Oct 19/65 This property restored SO No 61 dated Oct 5. 1865 -