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NARA 356
Ines Potter Estate
Block 74 House on 2nd St bwt Castle and Queen Sts

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Apl 12 | By Rent Jos Waddell 1 Mo to May 1st 1865 |    |6.00 |
| May 25 | By Rent Jos Waddell 1 Mo to June 1/65 |   | 6.00 |

No More Rent to be paid on this by order of OO Kelsey

|    |    | 77 |   |

July 25th/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c.

Thos H. Wright Estate 
Block 138 Store House on Water St bwt Dock and Orange Sts

[[4 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Apl 12 | By Rent Afl. W. Bettencourt 1 Mo to May 12 '65|   | 20.00 |
| May 12 | By Rent Afl. W. Bettencourt 1 Mo to June 12/65 |   | 20.00 |
| June 13 | By Rent Afl. W. Bettencourt 1 Mo to July 12/65 |   | 20.00 |
| July 13 | By Rent Afl. W. Bettencourt 1 Mo to Augt 12/65 |  | 20.00 |

July 25th/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

| Augt 15 | By Cash of A W Bettencourt - Rent for Mo ending Sept 12/65 | 43 | 20.00 |
| Sept 13 | By Cash of A W Bettencourt - Rent for Mo ending Oct 12/65 | 56 | 20.00 |

|    |    | 78 |   |

This property restored to Mrs. Mary Wright by Specl. Order No 45 dated Asst. Comms. Office Raleigh N.C. Sept 14th 1865 her right in the same to take effect on and after Oct 12/65 which time the lease thereon expires