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NARA 357


Thos. H. Wright Estate
[[5 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | 

| Block 164 | x Office (cor x) Front St. opp Cape Fear Bank |  |   |   |
| Apl 12 |  By rent Herman Sieforth 1 mo to May 1 -'65 |   |  15.00 |   |

July 25th 65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

Restored by Randolph


Amos Powell

[[4 Columned Table]]
| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| Block 166 |  House on 2nd St. btw. Market and Princess Sts. |   |   |
| Apl 12 | By Rent Cellia Osborn. 1 mo to May 1, '65 | 7 | 00 | 
| May 4 | By Rent Cellia Osborn. 1 mo to June 1, '65 | 7 | 00 | 
| June 5 | By Rent Cellia Osborn. 1 mo to July 1, '65 | 7 | 00 | 

July 25/65 Transferred to Financial Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c

| July 25 | By Rent Cellia Osborn. 1 mo to Augt 1, '65 | 7 | 00 |

|   | Taken Augt 1/65 for Military purposes |   |   |
|   |   | 80 |   |

This property restored SO No. 97 dated Nov 23/1865